The Problem with Sheriff Joe Arpaio is that he has made the Maricopa County Sheriff Office a partisan one. This is precisely why we are supporting the Independent Candidate via Mike Stauffer for Sheriff.
On the right, you have the corrupt Sheriff Joe Arpaio wasting millions and millions of Arizona tax payer dollars and who has failed to investigate sex crimes, domestic violence and child abuse cases. In fact, Arpaio wasn’t always an anti-immigrant hard-liner. In 2005, he said, “Being illegal is not a serious crime.”
On the left, you have a Democratic candidate via Paul Penzone who has a domestic violence record in his background who had his weapon taken away at one point and was declared as a credible threat to the Plaintiff (his wife). Unfortunately, Penzone doesn’t have the experience when he managed only 6 employees in 2009 before he retired, and has very little field operations and detention experience as a sergeant. To Penzone’s credit, however, he excelled in media relations.
This brings us to the middle via Mike Stauffer, a former Republican who left the GOP for good and is now an Independent Candidate who was the first to put his hat in the race against Sheriff Joe Arpaio. We know that Penzone will get the far left liberals supporting him, and we also know that the corrupt Sheriff Joe Arpaio will get the Tea Party far right wing vote — but that leaves us to the 80% moderate voters.
In Maricopa County, there are 36% registered Republicans, 35% registered Independents, and only 29% registered Democratic voters.
We know in our State there are too many registered Republicans who will not vote for the candidate who has a (D) beside his name. Most moderate Republicans that come from the John McCain supporting camp would rather vote for the Independent candidate via Mike Stauffer. We have also witnessed registered Democratic voters who refuse to support Penzone due to his lack of leadership experience and qualifications — and certainly his domestic violence background doesn’t help him.
Mike Stauffer supporters are reaching out heavily to Independent voters and to Republican voters in Maricopa County.
Because that is where the money is at in this state so far. We have a Republican-controlled legislature, and it is going to take a conservative-leaning Independent to oust Arpaio.
We have noticed Arpaio has been eerily silent on Stauffer because he knows it is dangerous to attack the Independent candidate Mike Stauffer. Mike Stauffer is the squeaky clean boyscout looking candidate with an impeccable record. This is precisely why we have discovered Arpaio mentioning his weakest opponent via Penzone. Arpaio cannot afford to attack the independent candidate and independent voters, and his campaign advisors are smart enough to know that. In fact, Arpaio doesn’t need one single Democratic voter to win, and the Stauffer people realize that, too.
Again, in Maricopa County, there are 36% registered Republicans, 35% registered Independents, and only 29% registered Democratic voters. Arpaio is banking on (like he always has been) on the Republicans and the Independents to see him through because he knows Maricopa County is not yet ready for the Democratic candidate — the numbers are simply not there.
The Stauffer people have excellent support from the good Mormons of Mesa, Arizona, the Libertarians, the moderate Republicans and a healthy chunk of the former Democratic candidate John Rowan people.
Stauffer supporters will be turning up the heat on reaching out to the moderate Republicans and Independents (where it will hurt Arpaio the most). We want to reach out to those who believe Arpaio and Brewer gave Arizona a bad image and chased away good development business out of the State of Arizona with their restrictionism and protectionist ideas.
The focus now ought to turn to the 3% moderate Republican voters, and the 35% Independent voters in Maricopa County. This creates a win for Independent candidate Mike Stauffer for Sheriff. We know that the Democratic Candidate will not churn enough Republican support — and this is precisely where Independent Candidate Mike Stauffer comes in. It’s time for the Independent candidate Mike Stauffer to deliver because he is not the one with a (D) beside his name.